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Gangs of New York (2002)

R Action & Adventure, Crime, Drama

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After years of incarceration, Irish immigrant Amsterdam Vallon (DiCaprio) returns to lower Manhattan's lawless, corrupt Five Points section seeking revenge against the rival gang leader (DayLewis) who killed his father. But before long, Amsterdam's personal vendetta becomes part of an erupting wave of fullblown gang warfare. Feel your heart pound while weapons and cultures clash in a chaotic symphony of life and death. Surrender to the tumultuous atmosphere of 1860s New York as phenomenal sound and stunning visual clarity transport you back in time.

  • Directed by
    Martin Scorsese
    Alberto Grimaldi
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Bob Weinstein
    Kenneth Lonergan
    Liam Neeson
    Harvey Weinstein
    John C. Reilly
    Cameron Diaz
    Leonardo Di Caprio
    Daniel Day Lewis
    Jay Cocks
    Steven Zallian
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