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Garden State (2004)

R Comedy, Drama, Independent

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Andrew Largeman returns to his hometown for the funeral of his clinically depressed mother, a journey that reconnects him with some of his past friends. Because the trip coincides with his decision to stop taking his powerful antidepressants, he also begins to reconnect with himself. A chance meeting with Sam, a girl also suffering from various maladies, opens up the possibility of rekindling emotional attachments, confronting his psychologist father, and perhaps beginning a new life.

  • Directed by
    Zach Braff
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Natalie Portman
    Peter Sarsgaard
    Ian Holm
    Jean Smart
    Ann Dowd
    Ron Leibman
    Method Man
    Denis O'hare
    Michael Weston
    Jim Parsons
    Jackie Hoffman
    Amy Ferguson
    Ato Essandoh
    Geoffrey Arend
    Alex Burns
    Jayne Houdyshell
    Armando Riesco
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