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Giant (1956)

G Action & Adventure, Classics, Drama

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George Stevens won an Oscar for his direction of this legendary "stirring slice of Americana" (Variety) based on Edna Ferber's novel. Featuring an all-star cast including Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean, it's about a wealthy Texan who marries a strong-willed beautiful girl. Their adjustments to life on their ranch are interwoven with problems of Mexican workers and an ambitious young ranch hand who becomes an oil tycoon. One of the year's top box office releases! Recently selected by the prestigious American Film Institute as one of the 100 greatest American films of all time.

  • Directed by
    George Stevens
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Elizabeth Taylor
    Rock Hudson
    James Dean
    Carroll Baker
    Jane Withers
    Chill Wills
    Mercedes Mc Cambridge
    Dennis Hopper
    Sal Mineo
    Rod Taylor
    Judith Evelyn
    Earl Holliman
    Robert Nichols
    Paul Fix
    Alexander Scourby
    Fran Bennett
    Charles Watts
    Elsa Cardenas
    Carolyn Craig
    Victor Millan
    Mickey Simpson
    Pilar Del Rey
    Maurice Jara
    Noreen Nash
    Ray Whitley
    Barbara Barrie
    George Dunn
    Bill Hale
    Paul Kruger
    Tom Monroe
    Julian Rivero
    Max "Alibi" Terhune
    Felipe Turich
    Sheb Wooley
    Maxine Gates
    Eddie Baker
    Charles Meredith
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