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Gideon of Scotland Yard (1958)

NR Crime, Drama, Suspense

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Bribery, robbery and an escaped homicidal patient...just one day in the life of Chief Inspector Gideon of Scotland Yard. Stars Jack Hawkins as an overworked Scotland Yard inspector.

  • Directed by
    John Ford
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Jack Hawkins
    Dianne Foster
    Cyril Cusack
    Andrew Ray
    James Hayter
    Ronald Howard
    Howard Marion Crawford
    Laurence Naismith
    Derek Bond
    Anna Lee
    Anna Massey
    Frank Lawton
    John Loder
    Marjorie Rhodes
    Jack Watling
    Maureen Potter
    Diana Chesney
    Donal Donnelly
    Gordon Harris
    Alastair Hunter
    John Le Mesurier
    Billie Whitelaw
    Miles Malleson
    John Warwick
    Lucy Griffiths
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