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Gilda (1946)

TVPG Crime, Drama, Romance

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A beguiling femme fatale gets even with her bitter ex-boyfriend by marrying his boss, a mysterious Buenos Aires casino owner.

  • Directed by
    Charles Vidor
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Rita Hayworth
    Glenn Ford
    George Mac Ready
    Joseph Calleia
    Steven Geray
    Joseph Sawyer
    Gerald Mohr
    Robert Scott
    Ludwig Donath
    Donald Douglas
    Lionel Royce
    George Lewis
    Sam Ash
    Nina Bara
    Eugene Borden
    Argentina Brunetti
    Eduardo Ciannelli
    Jean De Briac
    Jean Del Val
    Herbert Evans
    Sam Flint
    Lew Harvey
    Ted Hecht
    George Humbert
    Alphonse Martell
    Forbes Murray
    Joseph Palmas
    Ruth Roman
    John Tyrrell
    Philip Van Zandt
    Russ Vincent
    John Merton
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