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Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1999)

NOT RATED Action, Action & Adventure, Foreign

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Birth Island, home of Godzilla is destroyed and it is discovered that Godzilla has developed a bright flaming glow, proving his nuclear energy is out of control. Fearing Godzilla will soon explode, the G-Force tries to freeze him, to cool his temperature. Soon a horde of human sized creatures, formed from a combination of Godzilla cells and the weapon that destroyed the original are threatening. Now the military must stop these creatures and prevent Godzilla from going through a nuclear meltdown that could destroy the world.

  • Directed by
    Takao Okawara
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Akira Ifukube
    Megumi Odaka
    Yoko Ishino
    Takuro Tatsumi
    Shogo Tomiyama
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