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Gojira (1954)

NOT RATED Action and Adventure

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The greatest giant monster of all time attacks Tokyo!

  • Directed by
    Ishirô Honda
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Hiroshi Hayashi
    Akihiko Hirata
    Ishirô Honda
    Saburô Iketani
    Ren Imaizumi
    Kiyoshi Kamata
    Kuninori Kôdô
    Fuyuki Murakami
    Haruo Nakajima
    Junpei Natsuki
    Toranosuke Ogawa
    Takeo Oikawa
    Tadashi Okabe
    Seijirô Onda
    Kenji Sahara
    Sachio Sakai
    Keiji Sakakida
    Tamae Sengo
    Takashi Shimura
    Jiro Suzuki
    Toyoaki Suzuki
    Akira Takarada
    Ryosaku Takasugi
    Katsumi Tezuka
    Yasuhisa Tsutsumi
    Ren Yamamoto
    Shizuko Azuma
    Shizuko Higashi
    Momoko Kôchi
    Tsuruko Mano
    Kin Sugai
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