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Gold Strike River (The Lucky Texan) (1934)

NR Action, Drama, War/Western

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John Wayne is back, swingin' fists and slingin' iron in Gold Strike River! When tough guy Jerry Mason (Wayne) and cranky but loveable Jake Benson (Gabby Hayes) strike it rich on a gold claim, they become the target of two ruthless assayers. Featuring a thrilling horse/train car/Model-T chase and the groundbreaking stunt work of the legendary Yakima Canutt, Gold Strike River has been beautifully restored and is presented here in its original B&W!

  • Directed by
    Robert North Bradbury
  • Written by
  • Starring
    John Wayne
    Barbara Sheldon
    George "Gabby" Hayes
    Lloyd Whitlock
    Yakima Canutt
    Earl Dwire
    Art Ortego
    Tex Palmer
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