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Goldfinger (1965)

PG Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure

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From the opening bomb blast outside a steamy nightclub to a last-minute escape from the president's personal jet, James Bond's third screen adventure is an exhilarating, pulse-pounding thrill-ride! Sean Connery takes command as Agent 007 and faces off with a maniacal villain bent on destroying all the gold in Fort Knox - and obliterating the world economy!

  • Directed by
    Guy Hamilton
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Sean Connery
    Gert Frobe
    Honor Blackman
    Harold Sakata
    Shirley Eaton
    Bernard Lee
    Lois Maxwell
    Desmond Llewelyn
    Tania Mallet
    Cec Linder
    Martin Benson
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