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Good Vibrations (2012) (2013)


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Eager to shift thoughts away from the Troubles during the 1970s, music fanatic Terri Hooley (Richard Dormer) opens a record store, ‘Good Vibrations’, in the heart of one of Belfast’s roughest districts. As the shop gains a loyal following, Terri starts a small record label with the aim of launching some of the local bands, including The Undertones whose first single, ‘Teenage Kicks’, is championed by legendary Radio 1 DJ John Peel... A heart-warming and hilarious true story, Good Vibrations is not a feel-good film - it’s a feel-great film!

  • Directed by
    Lisa Barros D'sa
    Glenn Leyburn
  • Starring
    Jodie Whittaker
    Dylan Moran
    Karl Johnson
    Michael Colgan
    Andrew Eaton
    Liam Cunningham
    Richard Dormer
    Chris Martin
    Bruno Charlesworth
    David Holmes
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