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Gosford Park (2001)

R Comedy, Drama, Dramas

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A weekend hunting party at the home of Sir William McCordle turns into a murder mystery when the host is found dead. This witty whodunit follows the subsequent investigation from the perspectives of the guests and their servants.

  • Directed by
    Robert Altman
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Maggie Smith
    Michael Gambon
    Kristin Scott Thomas
    Jeremy Northam
    Bob Balaban
    Alan Bates
    Richard E. Grant
    Helen Mirren
    Eileen Atkins
    Emily Watson
    Stephen Fry
    Kelly Mac Donald
    Clive Owen
    Ryan Phillippe
    Tom Hollander
    Geraldine Somerville
    Charles Dance
    Sophie Thompson
    Derek Jacobi
    James Wilby
    Camilla Rutherford
    Claudie Blakley
    Teresa Churcher
    Jeremy Swift
    Frank Thornton
    Lucy Cohu
    Adrian Scarborough
    Sarah Flind
    Laurence Fox
    Trent Ford
    Finty Williams
    Laura Harling
    Leo Bill
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