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Green Lantern (Extended Cut) (2011)

NR Action, Action & Adventure, Adventure

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The GREEN LANTERN extended cut contains 9 additional minutes including an alternate opening that provides more insight into the story that was seen in theaters. In a universe as vast as it is mysterious, an elite, powerful force has existed for centuries. Protectors of peace and justice, they are called the Green Lantern Corps.

  • Directed by
    Martin Campbell
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Ryan Reynolds
    Blake Lively
    Peter Sarsgaard
    Mark Strong
    Tim Robbins
    Jay O. Sanders
    Taika Waititi
    Angela Bassett
    Mike Doyle
    Nick Jandl
    Dylan James
    Gattlin Griffith
    Jon Tenney
    Leanne Cochran
    Temuera Morrison
    Jeff Wolfe
    Deke Anderson
    Griff Furst
    Ritchie Montgomery
    Douglas M. Griffin
    Silas Cooper
    Dane Rhodes
    Laura Cayouette
    Bernard Hocke
    Geoffrey Rush
    Michael Clarke Duncan
    Warren Burton
    Salome Jens
    Clancy Brown
    Sharon Morris
    Lance E. Nichols
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