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Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench (2010)


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Boldly recasting the 1940's MGM musical tradition in a gritty, verite style, resulting in an exuberant celebration of romance and music.

  • Directed by
    Damien Chazelle
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Bernard Chazelle
    Gonzalo Digenio
    Frank Garvin
    Eli Gerstenlauer
    Keith Gross Hill
    Kevin Harris
    Andre Hayward
    Daniel The Juggler
    Jason Palmer
    Tj Palmer
    Zerek Palmer
    Joe Della Penna
    Vanessa Pope
    Jerry Quinn
    Willie Rodriguez
    Chris Rowse
    Eddie Wakes
    Karen Adelman
    Suzanne Bouffard
    Kelly Burk
    Anna Chazelle
    Desiree Garcia
    Carolyn Glicklich
    Kelly Kaleta
    Sandha Khin
    Maureen Mc Carthy
    Vera Meyer
    Beverly Palmer
    Sharee Palmer
    Alma Prelec
    Elizabeth Tingue
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