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Hairspray (1988)

PG Comedy, Music Feature Films, Music/Musical

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It's Baltimore, 1962, and a rebellious "pleasantly plump" teenager with the biggest bouffant on the block, Tracy (Ricki Lake) attempts to be one of the featured stars on a popular dance show and win the coveted "Miss Auto Show" crown as she fights against racial discrimination in this film written and directed by John Waters in an ode to the dance craze of the 60's. Featuring Divine in his/her last gender-bending role as Tracy's mother.

  • Directed by
    John Waters
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Ricki Lake
    Michael St. Gerard
    Colleen Fitzpatrick
    Sonny Bono
    Ruth Brown
    Deborah Harry
    Leslie Ann Powers
    Clayton Prince
    Jerry Stiller
    Mink Stole
    Josh Charles
    Holter Ford Graham
    Susan Lowe
    Brooke Mills
    Mary Vivian Pearce
    David Samson
    George Stover
    Brook Yeaton
    Mark Oliver
    Michael Willis
    Joey Perillo
    Jeff Gardner
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