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Hans Van Manen Festival (2008)

Concert Films, Foreign, Independent

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The Hans van Manen Festival was staged by The Dutch National Ballet to celebrate the work of choreographer Hans van Manen for his 75th birthday. International guest artists from companies such as the Kirov Ballet, and Nederlands Dans Theater, joined Dutch National Ballet to perform some of van Manen's most celebrated ballets. This gala event includes stunning performances from internationally renowned ballerinas Uliana Lopatkina, Lucia Lacarra and the brightest stars of Dutch dance including Larissa Lezhnina and Igone de Jongh of Dutch National Ballet and the young talent of Nederlands Dans Theater. Recorded at Het Muziektheater, Amsterdam on September 11th and September 16th, 2007.

  • Directed by
    Jeff Tudor
    Adrienne Liron
    Altin Kaftira
  • Starring
    Ivan Kozlov
    Dutch National Ballet
    Tendu Tv
    Lucia Lacarra
    Anna Tsygankova
    Tendu Tv Inc
    Bayerisches Staatsballett
    Uliana Lopatkina
    Nederlands Dans Theater Ii
    Kirov Ballet
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