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Harvard Beats Yale 29-29 (2008)

PG Documentaries

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Led by Brian Dowling and Calvin Hill, Yale goes up 22-0. With less than one minute to play, Yale leads 29-13. For Harvard, the end is exhilarating; for Yale, supreme confidence gives way to a life lesson and to being a small part of football history.

  • Directed by
    Kevin Rafferty
  • Starring
    Mike Ananis
    George Bass
    Rick Berne
    Mike Bouscaren
    Frank Champi
    Pat Conway
    Carmen Cozza
    John Cramer
    Gus Crim
    Nick Davidson
    Bob Dowd
    Brian Dowling
    Gary Farneti
    Bruce Freeman
    Rick Frisbie
    Fran Gallagher
    Jim Gallagher
    Vic Gatto
    Kyle Gee
    Don Gillis
    J.P. Goldsmith
    Pete Hall
    Calvin Hill
    Ray Hornblower
    Neil Hurley
    John Ignacio
    Tommy Lee Jones
    Ron Kell
    Bill Kelly
    Mick Kleber
    George Lalich
    Brad Lee
    Bob Levin
    Ted Livingston
    Alex Mac Lean
    Del Marting
    Rich Mattas
    Joe Mc Kinney
    Fred Morris
    Dale Neal
    Tom Peacock
    Jack Perkowski
    Fritz Reed
    Jim Reynolds
    Scott Robinson
    Ted Skowronski
    Ken Thomas
    Pete Varney
    John Waldman
    Bruce Weinstein
    Dick Williams
    Tom Wynne
    John Yovicsin
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