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Heaven Can Wait (1978)

PG Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Joe Pendleton is a Los Angeles Rams quarterback who is accidentally summoned to Heaven by a celestial escort. Pendleton is returned to earth in the body of another man, who is a corporate giant. While practicing to once again play for the Rams, Pendleton must escape attempts on his life while romantically pursuing a beautiful woman who protests the destruction caused to her village by one of his corporations.

  • Directed by
    Warren Beatty
    Buck Henry
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    Julie Christie
    James Mason
    Jack Warden
    Charles Grodin
    Dyan Cannon
    Vincent Gardenia
    Joseph Maher
    Dolph Sweet
    R.G. Armstrong
    John Randolph
    William Sylvester
    Keene Curtis
    Hamilton Camp
    Arthur Malet
    Stephanie Faracy
    Larry Block
    James F. Boeke
    Frank Campanella
    Roger Bowen
    Dick Enberg
    Bryant Gumbel
    Will Hare
    Joel Marston
    Richard O'brien
    Morgan Farley
    Robert Fortier
    Penelope Milford
    Ed Peck
    Elliott Reid
    Lisa Richards
    Lee Weaver
    Byron Webster
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