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Heaven's Gate (1981)

R Drama, Historical, War/Western

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Michael Cimino's controversial epic of corrupted idealism, set during the bloody Johnson County Wars of the 1890s, was detested by a majority of film critics upon its release and is now the subject of the "re-revisionism" that affects the reputation of many films and works of art. Some critics now regard HEAVEN'S GATE (the film that almost brought down an American film studio) as a masterpiece...a film ahead of its time. The enormous cast includes Kris Kristofferson, Christopher Walken, Sam Waterston, Isabelle Huppert, John Hurt, Brad Dourif, Joseph Cotten, Jeff Bridges, Geoffrey Lewis, Richard Masur, Terry O'Quinn, Mickey Rourke and Willem Dafoe. The extraordinary cinematography is by Vilmos Zsigmond.

  • Directed by
    Michael Cimino
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Kris Kristofferson
    Christopher Walken
    John Hurt
    Sam Waterston
    Brad Dourif
    Isabelle Huppert
    Joseph Cotten
    Jeff Bridges
    Ronnie Hawkins
    Paul Koslo
    Geoffrey Lewis
    Richard Masur
    Nicholas Woodeson
    Terry O'quinn
    Robin Bartlett
    Jack Blessing
    Jarleth Conroy
    Willem Dafoe
    Caroline Kava
    Allen Robert Keller
    Tom Noonan
    Mickey Rourke
    Kai Wulff
    Anna Levine
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