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Herb and Dorothy (2008)

NR Documentaries, Documentary, Independent

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HERB AND DOROTHY tells the extraordinary story of a postal clerk and a librarian who managed to build one of the most important contemporary art collections in history with very modest means. Most of those they supported and befriended went on to become world-renowned artists, including Andy Warhol, Julian Schnabel, Sol LeWitt, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Richard Tuttle, Chuck Close, Robert Mangold, Sylvia Plimack Mangold, Lynda Benglis, Pat Steir, Robert Barry, Lucio Pozzi, and Lawrence Weiner.

  • Directed by
    Megumi Sasaki
  • Starring
    Will Barnet
    James Robert Barry
    Lynda Benglis
    Chuck Close
    Robert Mangold
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