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Holiday Inn (1942)

NR Comedy, Music/Musical, Musicals

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This perrenial Christmas-season favorite teams Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire as entertainers (and rival suitors of Marjorie Reynolds) who run an inn that is only open on holidays. The film features Crosby's warm performance of "White Christmas."

  • Directed by
    Mark Sandrich
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Bing Crosby
    Fred Astaire
    Marjorie Reynolds
    Virginia Dale
    Walter Abel
    Louise Beavers
    Marek Windheim
    Jacques Vanaire
    Judith Gibson
    Shelby Bacon
    Irving Bacon
    Leon Belasco
    Karin Booth
    John Gallaudet
    Bud Jamison
    Kitty Kelly
    Lora Lee Michel
    Harry Barris
    Barbara Slater
    Louise La Planche
    James Bell
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