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I Vitelloni (1952)


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Five young men linger in a postadolescent limbo, dreaming of adventure and escape from their small seacoast town.

  • Directed by
    Federico Fellini
  • Written by , , , ,
  • Starring
    Enzo Andronico
    Alberto Anselmi
    Silvio Bagolini
    Jean Brochard
    Gustavo De Nardo
    Franco Fabrizi
    Riccardo Fellini
    Franco Interlenghi
    Achille Majeroni
    Guido Martufi
    Carlo Romano
    Alberto Sordi
    Lino Toffolo
    Leopoldo Trieste
    Gondrano Trucchi
    Enrico Viarisio
    Lída Baarová
    Paola Borboni
    Milvia Chianelli
    Graziella De Roc
    Claude Farell
    Giovanna Galli
    Franca Gandolfi
    Lilia Landi
    Gigetta Morano
    Maja Niles
    Leonora Ruffo
    Arlette Sauvage
    Vira Silenti
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