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In the Name of the Father (1993)

R Drama

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Academy Award(r) winners Daniel Day-Lewis and Emma Thompson co-star in this riveting, true story of one man's fifteen-year struggle to clear his father's name and prove his own innocence.

  • Directed by
    Jim Sheridan
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Daniel Day Lewis
    Pete Postlethwaite
    Emma Thompson
    John Lynch
    Corin Redgrave
    Beatie Edney
    John Benfield
    Gerard Mc Sorley
    Frank Harper
    Don Baker
    Britta Smith
    Daniel Massey
    Bosco Hogan
    Alan Barry
    Lou Castel
    Philip Davis
    Rachel Dowling
    Dave Duffy
    Martin Dunne
    Richard Graham
    Aidan Grenell
    Frankie Mc Cafferty
    Joe Mc Partland
    Michelle Moffett
    Liam O'callaghan
    Jer O'leary
    Stanley Townsend
    Jan Michael Vincent
    Mal Whyte
    Gary Hudson
    Malcolm Tierney
    Sean Lawlor
    Brandy Sanders
    Saffron Burrows
    Tina Kellegher
    Anthony Brophy
    Jamie Harris
    Tom Wilkinson
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