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In the Time of the Butterflies (2000)

PG13 Drama, Latino

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Minerva and her three sisters are the daughters of a plantation owner in the Dominical Republic, currently under sway of ruthless dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. When several family members are brutally murdered by Trujillo's henchmen, she vows revenge. The enraged Minerva decides to go after Trujillo any way that she can.

  • Directed by
    Mariano Barroso
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Salma Hayek
    Edward James Olmos
    Mia Maestro
    Demian Bichir
    Pilar Padilla
    Marc Anthony
    Fernando Becerril
    Lumi Cavazos
    Raul Adalid
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