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Invincible (2006)

PG Drama, Historical, Sports

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INVINCIBLE is the inspiring true story of Vince Papale, an ordinary guy who, against extraordinary odds, gets a one-in-a-gazillion shot at living every sports fan's wildest fantasy. Like the city he lives in and his beloved hometown NFL team, the down-an-out Vince (Mark Wahlberg, THE ITALIAN JOB) has seen better days. But then the Philadelphia Eagles' new coach Dick Vermeil (Greg Kinnear, LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE) calls an unprecedented open tryout, and the 30-year-old bartender who never played college ball makes the cut. Now Vince needs every bit of his gritty, never-say-die attitude and enormous heart to survive in the high-stakes world of professional football. Heartfelt and triumphant, and filled with body-slamming NFL football action, INVINCIBLE will have you on your feet cheering for the scrappy underdog who helped his team rediscover its winning spirits, and in the process rallied a city when it needed it most.

  • Directed by
    Ericson Core
  • Starring
    Mark Wahlberg
    Greg Kinnear
    Elizabeth Banks
    Michael Rispoli
    Kevin Conway
    Kirk Acevedo
    Dov Davidoff
    Michael Kelly
    Sal Darigo
    Nicoye Banks
    Turron Kofi Alleyne
    Cosmo Dematteo
    Stink Fisher
    Michael Mulheren
    Michael Nouri
    Jack Kehler
    Lola Glaudini
    Paige Turco
    Morgan Turner
    Lynn Cohen
    James Murtaugh
    Dominick Cicco
    Randy Couture
    Tony Luke
    Frank Ferrara
    Jimmy Palumbo
    Daniel Spink
    Michael S. Brainard
    Mark Robert Ellis
    Tim Lajcik
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