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Ip Man 2: Legend of the Grandmaster (2011)

R Action, Action & Adventure, Foreign

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Newly arrived in Hong Kong, martial arts instructor Ip Man (Donnie Yen) encounters stiff opposition when he begins teaching the Wing Chun fighting style. But instead of bowing to his rivals' demands, he perseveres and retaliates with amazing speed and power. Inspired by Ip Man's life story, this martial arts sequel boasts impressive fight sequences and co-stars Lynn Hung, Simon Yam and Sammo Hung.

  • Directed by
    Wilson Yip
    Yip Wai Shun
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Donnie Yen
    Sammo Hung
    Siu Wong Fan
    Xiong Dailin
    Darren Shahlavi
    Lynn Hung
    Huang Xiaoming
    Kent Cheng
    Pierre Ngo
    To Yue Hong
    Simon Yam
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