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Jackie Chan Is the Prisoner (1990)

R Action, Action & Adventure, Action Thrillers

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Jackie Chan is jailbait when he's incarcerated in a maximum-security pen for killing the brother of a Hong Kong crime kingpin. All that stands between him and oblivion are his wits, fists and flying feet. In the lockup with Chan is Andy (Tony Leung), an undercover cop who won't risk blowing his cover to beat a murder rap. Together, they join forces to survive a world of brutal inmates.

  • Directed by
    Yen Ping Chu
  • Written by ,
  • Expires in 4 days on Netflix USA
  • Starring
    Jackie Chan
    Andy Lau
    Sammo Hung Kam Bo
    Tony Leung Ka Fai
    Chun Hiang Ko
    Chung Hua Tao
    Barry Wong
    Chuan Chen Yeh
    Yu Wang
    Roy Chiao
    Tony Leung Chiu Wai
    Jack Kao
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