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Jacob's Ladder (1990)

R Drama, Horror, Thriller

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Director Adrian Lyne (Fatal Attraction) takes you on an intense, horrifying journey with a shocking ending that will haunt you forever. Tim Robbins is Jacob Singer, a man who lives in a nightmare. After getting wounded in Vietnam, he's now back at home in New York City. Torn between the memories of his son and terrifying wartime demons, Jacob is slowly losing his grip on reality. His beautiful girlfriend (Elizabeth Peña) only adds confusion to his life, drawing him into a web of sexual intrigue, but ultimately, it's his friend Louis (Danny Aiello of Do the Right Thing), who turns out to be the only one Jacob can truly count on.

  • Directed by
    Adrian Lyne
  • Starring
    Bruce Joel Rubin
    Tim Robbins
    Danny Aiello
    Ving Rhames
    Alan Marshall
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