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Jeffrey (1995)

R Comedy

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This romantic comedy centers on the chaotic love life of Jeffrey, a gay man who swears off sex only to fall in love with his ideal man. Jeffrey's vow of chastity is inspired by a fear of AIDS.

  • Directed by
    Christopher Ashley
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Richard Amaro
    Jimmy Ashmore
    Peter Bartlett
    Bryan Batt
    Andreas Beckett
    Michael Robert Brandon
    Robert Capelli Jr.
    Tom Cayler
    Demitri Corben
    Vince Cupone
    Joe Dain
    Christopher Davis
    Michael Duvert
    J. David Elder
    Brian Ferrari
    Thom Fitzgerald
    Scott Fowler
    K. Todd Freeman
    Leroi Freman
    John Ganun
    Victor Garber
    Christopher Harrison
    Barton Heyman
    Peter Jacobson
    Gregory Jbara
    Patrick Kerr
    Robert Klein
    Nathan Lane
    Marcus Lovett
    Albert Macklin
    Peter Maloney
    Peter B. Master
    Kevin Nealon
    Lee Mark Nelson
    Nicky Paraiso
    Ethan Phillips
    Joe Ponazecki
    Jeffrey Ross
    John Seidman
    Alexander Cohen Smith
    Patrick Stewart
    Henry Stram
    Lou Sumrall
    Darryl Theirse
    David Thornton
    Sergie A. Trujillo
    Steven Weber
    Michael T. Weiss
    Christine Baranski
    Marylouise Burke
    Mary Bond Davis
    Alice Drummond
    Olympia Dukakis
    Camryn Manheim
    Debra Monk
    Kathy Najimy
    Patti Ann O'connell
    Michele Pawk
    Lenka Peterson
    Sarah Peterson
    Alison Sheehy
    J. Smith Cameron
    Irma St. Paule
    Nancy Ticotin
    Sigourney Weaver
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