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Kes (1969)

PG-13 British Movies, Classic Movies

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Billy Casper (David Bradley) is a puny kid from the poor end of Barnsley. He's struggling in school, bullied by his older brother and basically dismissed by everyone else. But when he finds an injured fledgling kestrel, he begins to train the bird. In the process, he learns a lot about himself. This award-winning coming-of-age drama from director Ken Loach is based on the novel by Barry Hines and co-stars Freddie Fletcher and Brian Glover.

  • Directed by
    Ken Loach
  • Written by , , ,
  • Expires in 42 days on Netflix USA
  • Starring
    David Bradley
    Freddie Fletcher
    Lynne Perrie
    Colin Welland
    Brian Glover
    Bob Bowes
    Bernard Atha
    Laurence Bould
    Joey Kaye
    Billy Dean Cochran
    David Glover
    Harry Markham
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