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King of Kings (1961)

PG13 Classics, Drama, Historical

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The powerful and critically-acclaimed story of Jesus told in a strikingly beautiful visual style. Stars Oscar-nominees and Rip Torn as Judas and Robert Ryan as John the Baptist with Jeffrey Hunter as Christ.

  • Directed by
    Nicholas Ray
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Jeffrey Hunter
    Hurd Hatfield
    Siobhan Mc Kenna
    Ron Randell
    Harry Guardino
    Viveca Lindfors
    Rip Torn
    Rita Gam
    Frank Thring
    Carmen Sevilla
    Guy Rolfe
    Maurice Marsac
    Gregoire Aslan
    Royal Dano
    Edric Connor
    Robert Ryan
    Orson Welles
    George Coulouris
    Conrado San Martin
    Gerard Tichy
    Fernando Sancho
    Ted De Corsia
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