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Labyrinth (1986)

PG Family, Kids & Family, Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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David Bowie and Jennifer Connelly invite you into a magical universe where nothing is what it seems! Babysitting infant stepbrother Toby on a weekend night isn't young Sarah's idea of fun. Frustrated by his crying, she secretly imagines the Goblins from her favorite book, Labyrinth, carrying Toby away. When her fantasy comes true, a distraught Sarah must enter a maze of illusion to bring Toby back from a kingdom inhabited by mystical creatures and governed by the wicked Goblin King.

  • Directed by
    Jim Henson
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    David Bowie
    Jennifer Connelly
    Toby Froud
    Shelley Thompson
    Christopher Malcolm
    Natalie Finland
    Shari Weiser
    Brian Henson
    Ron Mueck
    Rob Mills
    Dave Goelz
    Karen Prell
    Timothy Bateson
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