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Laura (2005)

Classics, Romance, Thriller

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Based on the novel by Vera Caspary, this classic noir mystery about the disfiguring murder of the title character (Gene Tierney) has a detective (Dana Andrews) falling in love with the portrait of the fallen femme fatal. He looks to a trio of suspects to solve the bloody crime; a newspaper critic (Clifton Webb), Laura's playboy fiance (Vincent Price) and Laura's socialite aunt (Judith Anderson). The mystery is turned on its head when the still very alive Laura reappears.

  • Directed by
    Otto Preminger
  • Starring
    Vincent Price
    Clifton Webb
    Judith Anderson
    Dana Andrews
    Gene Tierney
    Samuel Hoffenstein
    Elizabeth Reinhardt
    Jay Dratler
    Jerry Cady
    Ring Lardner Jr.
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