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Les Miserables (2012)

PG13 Drama, Music/Musical, Romance

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Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway star in this critically-acclaimed adaptation of the epic musical phenomenon. Set against the backdrop of 19th- century France, Les Misérables tells the story of ex-prisoner Jean Valjean, hunted for decades by the ruthless policeman Javert, after he breaks parole. When Valjean agrees to care for factory worker Fantine's young daughter, Cosette, their lives change forever.

  • Directed by
    Tom Hooper
  • Written by , ,
  • Starring
    Hugh Jackman
    Russell Crowe
    Anne Hathaway
    Amanda Seyfried
    Sacha Baron Cohen
    Helena Bonham Carter
    Samantha Barks
    Eddie Redmayne
    Aaron Tveit
    George Blagden
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