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Letters to God (2010)

PG Drama, Family, Special Interest

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Tyler Doherty is an extraordinary eight year old boy armed with strong faith and courage as he faces his daily battle against cancer. Surrounded by a loving family and community, Tyler's prayers take the form of letters he sends to his ultimate pen pal, God, on a daily basis. These letters find their way into the hands of Tyler's postman, Brady, who is at a crossroads in his life, searching of Tyler's shining spirit, bravery and grace. Inspired by a true story, Letters to God delivers a message of home, faith and courage that others can apply to their own personal struggle regardless of what they may face in their everyday lives.

  • Directed by
    David Nixon
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Tanner Maguire
    Jeffrey S.S. Johnson
    Robyn Lively
    Maree Cheatham
    Michael Bolten
    Ralph Waite
    Avery Sommers
    Tom Nowicki
    Bailee Madison
    Andrea Conte
    Karley Scott Collins
    Brett Rice
    Erin Bethea
    Lee Dawson
    Justin Smith
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