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Lipstick & Dynamite - The First Ladies of Wrestling (2005)


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With the advent of the WWF (and later, the WWE), female wrestling entered a new phase in its popularity, with the top stars in the game earning considerable amounts of money, and taking up the sport professionally. This film takes a look at the trailblazers of the sport--the women who bucked tradition and decided to become wrestlers in the 1940s and '50s. The recollections veer dramatically between good and bad times, making some fascinating viewing for any enthusiasts of the sport. With all-time greats such as The Fabulous Moolah, Gladys "Killem" Gillem, and Ella Waldek dipping into the memory banks, Lipstick & Dynamite is a fond look back on a bygone era for women's wrestling.

  • Directed by
    Ruth Leitman
  • Starring
    Gladys "Killen" Gillen
    Fabulous Moolah
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