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Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders (2009)

Documentary, Independent

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Bosnia. Rwanda. Kosovo. Sierra Leone. Pakistan. Just a few of the world's humanitarian and political crises in the past years. Whether the result of war or nature, these disasters devastate populations and cripple health systems. Despite the immense dangers and difficulties of the work, one organization, Doctors Without Borders, has continuously intervened at these frontlines of overwhelming human need. Set in war-torn Congo and Liberia, LIVING IN EMERGENCY interweaves the stories of four volunteers with Doctors Without Borders as they struggle to provide emergency medical care under the most extreme conditions. Two volunteers are new recruits: a 26 year-old Australian doctor stranded in a remote bush clinic and an American surgeon struggling to cope under the load of emergency cases in a shattered capital city. Two others are experienced field hands: a dynamic Head of Mission, valiantly trying to keep morale high and tensions under control, and an exhausted veteran, who has seen too much horror and wants out. Amidst the chaos, each volunteer must confront the severe challenges of the work, the tough choices, and test the limits of their own idealism.

  • Directed by
    Mark Hopkins
  • Starring
    Dr. Tom Krueger
    Dr. Alpha Diallo
    Dr. Kiara Lepora
    Dr. Davinder Gill
    Dr. Chris Brasher
    Dr. Chrystelle Roux
    Dr. Isabelle De Fourny
    Dr. Walter Gwenigale
    Annie Miller
    Dr. Shoba Varthaman
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