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Lorna's Silence (2009)

R Crime, Drama, Foreign

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From the internationally acclaimed writing-directing team of Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne comes the powerful story of a young woman caught between love and the law. Beholden to a criminal underground, Lorna (Arta Dobroshi) is the key figure in a conspiracy to obtain European citizenship for a dangerous Russian mobster. For the plan to succeed, a desperate addict must die. If Lorna follows her heart, it will lead her into grave danger - for in her world, no act of mercy goes unpunished.

  • Directed by
    Jean Pierre Dardenne
    Luc Dardenne
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Arta Dobroshi
    Jeremie Renier
    Fabrizio Rongione
    Alban Ukaj
    Morgan Marinne
    Olivier Gourmet
    Anton Yakovlev
    Grigori Manoukov
    Mireille Bailly
    Stephanie Gob
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