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Matinee (1993)

PG Comedy, Drama

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John Goodman is at his hilarious best as movie promoter Lawrence Woolsey, who brings his unique showmanship to Key West, Florida, in 1962...just as the Cuban Missile Crisis takes place.

  • Directed by
    Joe Dante
  • Written by , , ,
  • Starring
    John Goodman
    Cathy Moriarty
    Simon Fenton
    Omri Katz
    Lisa Jakub
    Kellie Martin
    Jesse Lee
    Lucinda Jenney
    James Villemaire
    Robert Picardo
    Jesse White
    John Sayles
    David Clennon
    Lucy Butler
    Mark Mc Cracken
    William Schallert
    Robert Cornthwaite
    Kevin Mc Carthy
    Belinda Balaski
    Archie Hahn
    Marc Macaulay
    Allison Mc Kay
    Brett Rice
    Kurt Smildsin
    Chris Stacy
    Naomi Watts
    Charles Haas
    Tracy Roberts
    Dick Miller
    Luke Halpin
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