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McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971)

R Action, Adventure, Drama

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One of Robert Altman's most provocative films turns the Wild West on its ear. Warren Beatty and Julie Christie are a small- time gambler and a madam who go into business together.

  • Directed by
    Robert Altman
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Warren Beatty
    Julie Christie
    Rene Auberjonois
    William Devane
    Shelley Duvall
    John Schuck
    Corey John Fischer
    Keith Carradine
    Joe Clarke
    Jackie Crossland
    Robert Fortier
    Terence Kelly
    Hugh Millais
    Elizabeth Murphy
    Bert Remsen
    Wayne Robson
    Linda Sorenson
    Eric Schneider
    Maisie Hoy
    Jack Riley
    Michael Murphy
    Tom Hill
    Anthony Holland
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