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Meet Me in St. Louis (1944)

NR Classics, Comedy, Drama

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St. Louis 1903. The well-off Smith family has four beautiful daughters, including Esther and little Tootie. 17-year old Esther has fallen in love with the boy next door who has just moved in, John. He however, barely notices her at first. The family is shocked when Mr. Smith reveals that he has been transferred to a nice position in New York, which means that the family has to leave St. Louis and the St. Louis Fair.

  • Directed by
    Vincente Minnelli
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Judy Garland
    Margaret O'brien
    Mary Astor
    Lucille Bremer
    Tom Drake
    Marjorie Main
    June Lockhart
    Leon Ames
    Harry Davenport
    Henry Jr. Daniels
    Joan Carroll
    Hugh Marlowe
    Chill Wills
    Donald Curtis
    Mary Jo Ellis
    Helen Gilbert
    Buddy Gorman
    Darryl Hickman
    Victor Kilian
    Belle Mitchell
    Robert Emmett O'connor
    Sam Harris
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