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Memories of Matsuko (2008)

UNRATED Comedy, Japanese Cinema

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When the body of a female tramp is found in the park, her nephew, Shô, is called upon to clean out her abandoned apartment. He unwittingly embarks upon a surprising journey through the extraordinary life of his aunt, Matsuko, a starry-eyed female searching for her prince. A collision of visually stunning hues and Bob Fosse-like musical set pieces, this Amelie-esque fairytale gracefully glides through the decades from the 50s to the 80s. Miki Nakatani displays an award winning performance as Matsuko, engaging the audience with her touching portrayal of life.

  • Directed by
    Tetsuya Nakashima
  • Starring
    Miki Nakatani
    Yusuke Iseya
    Yûji Ishida
    Hidemi Satani
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