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MLB Astros Memories: The Greatest Moments in Astros Baseball History (2013)

TVPG Documentary, Other, Sports

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From the Colt .45s in Colt Stadium to the National League Pennant-winning Houston Astros in Minute Maid Park, Houston fans have flown across five decades of Astros baseball. This documentary from Major League Baseball Productions opens the MLB Film & Video Archive to marry remarkable footage with new, insightful interviews to tell the tale of the Houston Astros. Beyond individual heroics, this documentary celebrates the 1980 and 1986 seasons as well as the magical 2004 and National League Pennant-winning 2005 seasons.

  • Directed by
    David Gavant
    David Check
    Bob Bodziner
  • Starring
    Jose Cruz
    Bill Virdon
    Phil Garner
    Jimmy Wynn
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