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Mona Lisa (1986)

Drama, Romance, Thriller

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An ex-convict, thug and a high-class call girl make for an unlikely and dangerous couple in Academy Award-winner Neil Jordan’s (The Crying Game, Interview With the Vampire) tale of frustrated love on the cruel streets of London’s underworld. Bob Hoskins (Hollywoodland, Who Framed Roger Rabbit) stars in his breakout performance, for which he landed an Oscar nomination and a host of other major awards as George, a working class hood whose growing obsession with the exotic and cunning Simone (Cathy Tyson, The Serpent and the Rainbow) will lead him down a dark and bloody path. The magnificent supporting cast includes Robbie Coltrane (the Harry Potter series), Sammi Davis (Hope and Glory) and two-time Academy Award-winner Michael Caine (The Dark Knight).

  • Directed by
    Neil Jordan
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    George Harrison
    Bob Hoskins
    David Leland
    Michael Caine
    Cathy Tyson
    Robbie Coltrane
    Denis O’Brien
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