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Monday Morning (2012)

NR Action, Comedy, Drama

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Thomas Bach is on top of his game. A popular right-wing radio talk-show host and a hero of the Tea Party Movement, he is handpicked to run for the U.S. Senate. But first he must fly to Los Angeles and clean up some dirty laundry that might damage his campaign. A victim of a random violent attack, Thomas wakes up on the streets of LA without his memory. He is also unaware that he is a diabetic. He now wanders skid row, inevitably blending in with the homeless population, and without medication, his life is at risk. As he experiences the violence and hardship but ultimately witnesses the courage and humanity of the homeless community, a previously unseen compassionate Thomas Back emerges. Upon regaining his memory a week later, Thomas returns home, a hero of the media, with a great story for the campaign. But with experiences that conflict with his political message, Bach now faces a choice between career and conscience.

  • Directed by
    Nat Christian
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Victor Browne
    Jessica Spotts
    Cevin Middleton
    Molly Kidder
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