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Mugabe and the White African (2009)

Documentary, Foreign, Independent

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Shortlisted by the Academy as one of the 15 best feature documentaries of 2009, this unforgettable film is the story of one family's bravery as they fight to protect their property, their livelihood and their country. Mike Campbell is one of the few white farmers left in Zimbabwe since its leader, Robert Mugabe, enacted his disastrous land redistribution program. Once the breadbasket of Africa, Zimbabwe has since spiraled into chaos, the economy decimated as farms given to Mugabe cronies are run into the ground. After enduring years of intimidation and threats, Campbell finally decides to take action by challenging Mugabe before an international court.

  • Directed by
    Andrew Thompson
    Lucy Bailey
  • Starring
    Mike Campbell
    David Pearson
    Ben Freeth
    Laura Freeth
    Robert Mugabe
    Claire Freeth
    Zach Freeth
    Angela Campbell
    Jeremy Gauntlett
    Elizabeth Angula
    Peter Chamada
    Elizabeth Morgan Hemlock
    Steve Milne
    Pauline Burt
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