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My Brother is an Only Child (2007)


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Accio (Elio Germano - Romanzo Criminale, Respiro) is the cause of his parents’ desperation; irritable and a trouble-maker, impulsive and explosive, fighting every battle like a war. His brother Manrico (Riccardo Scamarcio- Eden is West, Romanzo Criminale, The Best of Youth) is handsome, charismatic, loved by all, but just as dangerous... In the Italian small-town life of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s, the two brothers have opposite political beliefs, are in love with the same woman and through an endless confrontation, they live a period of their lives filled with escaping, re-tuning, fighting and great passions.

  • Directed by
    Daniele Luchetti
  • Starring
    Angela Finocchiaro
    Alba Rohrwacher
    Elio Germano
    Luca Zingaretti
    Riccardo Scamarcip
    Massimo Popolizio
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