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My Brother (2007)


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My Brother is an inner city story of two impoverished boys, Isaiah and James. James is developmentally disabled. Their mother, L'Tisha, finds herself in a tragic situation. Dying of tuberculosis, she desperately tries to get her two boys adopted together. Finding that only Isaiah can be adopted, L'Tisha makes the only choice she feels she can make; creating an unbreakable bond of love between the boys, and hoping that bond will get them through life. Her prayers are answered as the boys overcome impossible odds on their way to adulthood, staying as close as ever as young men dealing with life's obstacles.

  • Directed by
    Anthony Lover
  • Starring
    Vanessa Williams
    Tatum O'neal
    Gingi Rochelle
    Leslieann Fouche
    Steven Röck
    Fredro Starr
    Nashawn Kearse
    Rodney Henry Jr.
    David Basch
    Chris Calicchio
    Phil Hardage
    Michael Malagiero
    Gregory Segal
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