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My Favorite Year (1982)

PG Comedy

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Benjy is the junior writer on a top rated variety/comedy show in 1954. When the headliner, wants to throw Alan Swann, the guest, off the show, Benjy makes a pitch to save his childhood hero, and is made Swann's babysitter.

  • Directed by
    Richard Benjamin
  • Written by
  • Starring
    Peter O'toole
    Mark Linn Baker
    Jessica Harper
    Joseph Bologna
    Bill Macy
    Lainie Kazan
    Anne De Salvo
    Basil Hoffman
    Lou Jacobi
    Adolph Green
    Tony Di Benedetto
    George Wyner
    Selma Diamond
    Cameron Mitchell
    Corinne Bohrer
    Richard Brestoff
    Philip Bruns
    Nick Dimitri
    Teresa Ganzel
    Martin Garner
    Howard George
    Ted Grossman
    Karen Haber
    Archie Hahn
    Fox Harris
    Jed Mills
    Jenny Neumann
    Pearl Shear
    Gloria Stuart
    Richard Warwick
    Norman Steinberg
    Phil Adams
    John Welsh
    Stanley Brock
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