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My Winnipeg (2008)


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Have you ever wanted to relive your childhood and do things differently? Guy Maddin (The Saddest Music In the World) casts B-movie icon Ann Savage and his domineering mother in attempt to answer that question in "My Winnipeg," a hilariously wacky and profoundly touching goodbye letter to his childhood hometown. This indie film from IFC is a documentary (or "docu-fantasia" as Maddin proclaims) that blends local and personal history with surrealist images and metaphorical myths that cover everything from the fire at the local park, which leads to a frozen lake of distressed horse heads, to pivotal, sometimes traumatic, factually heightened scenes from Maddin's own childhood. "My Winnipeg" is Maddin's most personal film and a truly unique cinematic experience, winning the best Canadian film at the Toronto International Film Festival and the opening night selection of the Berlin Film Festival's Forum.

  • Directed by
    Guy Maddin
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Jody Shapiro
    Ann Savage
    Louis Negin
    Darcy Fehr
    Amy Stewart
    Brendan Cade
    Wesley Cade
    Fred Dunsmore
    Kate Yacula
    Jacelyn Lobay
    Phyllis Laing
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