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National Velvet (1944)

G Family

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Enchantingly beautiful Elizabeth Taylor became a movie star at age 12 after starring in this classic about a girl and her jockey pal who transform an unruly horse into a champion.

  • Directed by
    Clarence Brown
  • Written by ,
  • Starring
    Elizabeth Taylor
    Mickey Rooney
    Donald Crisp
    Anne Revere
    Angela Lansbury
    Jackie "Butch" Jenkins
    Reginald Owen
    Arthur Treacher
    Juanita Quigley
    Norma Varden
    Terence Kilburn
    Harry Allen
    William Norton Bailey
    Billy Bevan
    Matthew Boulton
    Leonard Carey
    Wally Cassell
    Alec Craig
    Donald Curtis
    Alec Harford
    Leyland Hodgson
    Olaf Hytten
    Eugene Loring
    Moyna Mac Gill
    Barry Macollum
    Aubrey Mather
    Gordon Richards
    Arthur Shields
    Rhoda Williams
    Frederic Worlock
    William Austin
    Dennis Hoey
    Colin Campbell
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